Exhibition - Performance
September 2023
March/May 2018
October/December 2012
March 2007
May/June 2005
"Reminiscence" in parallel with the Visa pour l’Image Festival, Perpignan, France. (Solo Show)
Exhibition and interactive performance "Reminiscence", at Art'mazone, Brussels, Belgium. ("Movement(s)" Group show)
"Inventory 1" at Linette Gallery, Montpellier, France. ("Elle(s)" Group Show)
"Salvador da Bahia - Porto : Initiatique travel as a Brazilian person." at Forum of Photographer, Corum, Montpellier, France. (Group Show)
"Attitude" at The Baloard, Montpellier, France. (Solo Show)
May 1996
Third price for "In the crosshairs", CDPH, Saint-Jean-de-Vedas and Montpellier, France.
Portfolio reading :
Sept. 2021
Fotolimo festival, Cerbères, France.
Artistic Residencies
October 2008/June2009
Residency at Centro Em Movimento (C.E.M.) search on the physical memory and the visual memory within the framework of Intensive Training Accompanied around the Body at Lisbon, Portugal.
June/August 2007
Photographer & camerawomen for the documentory "Another Possible World" with Lisa Bergeron & Community Development Institute Summer hosted by Concordia University in Montreal, Quebec.